棒棒堂 @ Singapore EXPO - 藏经阁 [2008-11-22]

Many friends are saying that I'm childish or whatever... because I'm simply addicted to 模范棒棒堂 a taiwan variety show hosted by FanFan on Channel [V]
They think that I like those 'boys' cause of their looks but I would say... I like them cause they are very inspiring. Those who have followed 模范棒棒堂 from the very first day would have agreed with me.We see how these commoner 'grow' by improving themselves to become a superstar today. Here is a video I found on the Youtube taken during Music Monster. (abit paiseh to be going after 'stars' at this age..so in the end I didnt go)
Oh yah.. and this song is co-written by 小傑(lollipop)... so talented right????



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