食福閣 - Shi Fu Ge Restaurant

got a deal from deal.com.sg for mootaka. Was attracted to it cause I felt that was rather cheap (S$9.90 per pax, min 2 pax)  and kinda convenient for us. The moment I bought the voucher, I called to make a reservations. The person who answered the phone doesnt seem to be able to speak very well so I was a little worried that she did not take in my reservation.
When we reached there, there werent many customers but there were too few staff. It seemed that there were only 2 waitress serving. They took a pretty long time serving us. Besides that the uncle who helped to light he charcoal really took a very long time to ignite it. 

sometime which I dislike about the place is, they set the tables near to the canal and we were seated just beside the canal.
We waited for some time before they served us the dishes for the mookata and best, they didnt ask what we wanted to drink. We had to catch hold of 1 of them to place our order.

Mr Cheong decided to order a plate of beehoon as the mookata set doesnt include rice. Even after the bee hoon was served we were still waiting for the charcoal pot. 

We have almost finished the bee hoon when the charcoal pot was finally brought over to us. From the below pic, you would be able to see how close to the canal we were. Felt it was kinda unhygienic 

Anyway, we saw that without the promo, the mookata set isnt very expensive too. like S$28.90, so if you dont mind sitting near to the canal when having your food, If u dont mind the long wait... No harm trying
BTW, paid another $9.50 for the beehoon, ribena and jiajia herbal tea.


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