Week 17 - Gender revelation :)
Have been preparing the little one for this particular gynae visit. Haven been telling it to be cooperative, to open up the legs areas so as to reveal its gender to us... hahaha and I have been threatening it that if it didnt do that, no clothes and things for him....
and well, we got the answer we wanted!
Read on for my bb anouncement!
"#bbCheongDD says Hello! to grandpa, grandma, aunties, uncles, jiejies n korkor
#bbCheongDD 跟 婆婆 Choy Khoon Loh 公公 Tuck Meng Chong 阿姨 Angela Chong Peipei ZhuangZhuang Pei Yu etc, 叔叔, 哥哥,姐姐们问好!
Confession of #bbcheongDD
"Mummy has been putting on weight not because she has been lazy and not exercising, but because I'm lazy and curious... I wanted to try all kinds of food which I've never try before.
I caused mummy to put on 3.2kg when I was just 13 wks old cause I was forever hungry. I needed to eat at least 4 meals a day and I threw tantrum when mummy didn't eat enough or walk too much...
妈妈重了, 不是因为她懒惰没有运动, 而是因为我。我从第一天就好好奇,想尝试所有的食物。我害妈妈重了3.2kg , 当时我才13个星期大。每天我需要吃最少4餐。妈妈如果没把我喂饱,或走太多路,我就会发脾气。
Mummy has been telling me to eat less lol..n Now that I'm older and bigger and tried many different types of food, I knew what I love to eat... I didn't like those fried meat cutlets...so pls dont feed me that. (Though mummy loves to eat meat..) I love spicy food like curry and tomyum which is totally different from mummy..
Today mummy went for check again and realised she put on weight again .......luckily the weight gain is still normal, so for now, mummy still feeds me what I like to eat
妈妈 最近一直叫我吃少点,说她要变胖妞了。那我就听话点。 我已经尝试了很多食物 也知道我喜欢吃什么, 那就吃我爱吃的吧!
Mummy says I'm learning all kinds of behaviour from daddy like tiao kah ing and the way I sit and being picky in my food from day 1.... But well, I'm a boy.. Of course I'm behaving like Papa Cheong isn't it ??