week 31+5 : 3rd Trimester
Preparing for my winter trip to korea, I moved my gynae appointment to a day earlier since I will be travelling the very next day. Before you travel, remember to get approval letter from your gynae!
As usual, I went for the check and again Dr Jon tried to do 3D scan for me but this time I have forgotten to inform #BBCheongDD about the appointment and zzzzz his back was facing us instead
:( didnt manage to get any 3D Scan nor a nice 2D scan this time....
He is weighing 1.97kg already! and Mr Cheong commented that BBCheongDD is trying very hard to remain within the 2kg mark cause Ive been complaining that he is getting too fat!
Luckily I cleared all tests and I can go on my trip! Dr Jon mentioned that usually he would want his patients to be back by week 34 but gave me the privelege to come back a wk later cause so far my pregnancy has been damn smooth! but he warned me not to extend my trip any further! lol
My Bump just before my trip!