Week 35: Back from my trip

Just back and I have to go for my gynae appointment again. Wanted to ensure everything is ok!
At Week 35, my bump has ballooned!
See the difference before and after my trip!

Today I remembered to inform #BBCheong that we have a gynae appt and tadah! We managed to get a decent scan of him even though Dr Jon has mentioned before we start the scan that at wk 35, it may be difficult to get a decent pic! Dr Jon got excited when BBCheongDD is in a good position!

It seems that #BBCheongDD loves to pout! look at his mouth! I was kinda worried that he will have protruding mouth upon birth!!!!!!

His hand is blocking one side of his face and Dr Jon tried to "shake" his hand away but of fruitless attempts and it seems that there is limited space inside for him already thus the difficulty in moving his hand away

BBCheongDD looks plump isnt it?
He is 2.5kg already!!!!!!!!!!!


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